UTF-8--------AUTHORS %1Please, provide translator credits here. %1 will be replaced with VERSIONVERSIONPlease, provide your translation version here.$Id: $Format:%h %ai %an$ $COUNTRYPlease, provide an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for this translation language here (eg., UA).LANGNAMEPlease, provide a native name of your translation language here.CTSPModelCity %1%1Task LoadUnable to open task file.
Error: %1Unable to load task:Unknown file format or file is corrupted.Task SaveUnable to create task file.
Error: %1
Maybe, file is read-only?Unable to save task.
Error: %1Unexpected end of file. The file could be corrupted.Corrupt data read. The file could be corrupted.Unknown error. The file could be corrupted.File version (%1) is newer than this version of %3 supports (%2).
Please, try to update the application. Also, the file could be corrupted.Unexpected data read. The file could be corrupted.The task contains more cities (%1) than this version of %3 supports (%2).
You might be using an old version of the application or the file could be corrupted.MainWindowTask&Variant:Number of variant&Cities:Number of citiesCost of travel from city to cityFill table with random numbersRandomSolve current taskSolveSolutionSolution stepsSave solution to a fileSave SolutionGo back to Task tabBack to Task&FileSave &As&Settings&LanguagePlease, append " / Language" when translating this string.StyleToolbars&HelpMain Toolbar&Solution...Save solution&NewNew taskCreate new taskCtrl+N&Open...Open taskOpen saved taskCtrl+O&Preferences...Application preferences&ContentsOpen help contentsCtrl+F1Context &HelpOpen context helpF1&About TSPSG...Online &Support...Get support onlineReport a &Bug...E&xit&Task...Save taskSave task to file&AutodetectDetect language automaticallyDetect language automatically based on regional settings&SaveSave current taskCtrl+SAbout &Qt...About Qt librarySystem DefaultAutomatically choose the most appropriate styleAll Supported Formats%1 Task FilesAll FilesTask LoadUntitledWould you like %1 to automatically check for updates every %n day(s)?PDF FilesHTML FilesOpenDocument FilesSolution SaveUnable to save the solution.
Error: %1Solution GraphGenerated with %1Unable to save the solution graph.
Error: %1Web Archive FilesSettings ChangedYou have changed color settings.
They will be applied to the next solution output.Language changeLanguage will be autodetected on the next %1 start.You have changed the application language.
To get current solution output in the new language
you need to re-run the solution process.Style ChangeTo apply the default style you need to restart %1.Unsupported FeatureVersionTarget OS (ARCH)Qt libraryBuild timeRuntimeLogical screen DPIAlgorithmThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify<br>
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by<br>
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or<br>
(at your option) any later version.<br>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,<br>
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of<br>
GNU General Public License for more details.<br>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License<br>
along with TSPSG. If not, see <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/">www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.%1 was created using <b>Qt framework</b> licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License,<br>
see <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a><br>
Most icons used in %1 are part of <b>Oxygen Icons</b> project licensed according to the GNU Lesser General Public License,<br>
see <a href="http://www.oxygen-icons.org/">www.oxygen-icons.org</a><br>
Country flag icons used in %1 are part of the free <b>Flag Icons</b> collection created by <b>IconDrawer</b>,<br>
see <a href="http://www.icondrawer.com/">www.icondrawer.com</a><br>
%1 comes with the default "embedded" font <b>DejaVu LGC Sans Mono</b> from the <b>DejaVu fonts</b> licensed under a Free license</a>,<br>
see <a href="http://dejavu-fonts.org/">dejavu-fonts.org</a>AboutLicenseCreditsAbout %1Data errorError in cell [Row %1; Column %2]: Invalid data format.%v of %1 parts foundCalculating optimal route...Solution ProgressSolution ResultUnable to find a solution.
Maybe, this task has no solution.Generating headerGenerating solution output...Solution of Variant #%1 TaskVariant #%1 TaskTask:Variant #%1 SolutionGenerating step %vTranslation from git commit <b>%1</b>Build <b>%1</b>, built on <b>%2</b> at <b>%3</b>%5 with <b>%4</b> compiler.Memory cleanup...Step #%1Selected route %1 %2 part.withwithout(%1;%2)%n alternate candidate(s) for branching: %1.Generating footerOptimal path:Resulting path:City %1The price is <b>%n</b> unit(s).The price is <b>%1</b> units.<b>WARNING!!!</b><br>This result is a record, but it may not be optimal.<br>Iterations need to be continued to check whether this result is optimal or get an optimal one.RootSet application language to %1Language ChangeUnable to load the translation language.
Falling back to autodetection.Set application style to %1Unsaved ChangesWould you like to save changes in the current task?P&rint Preview...Preview solution resultsPreview current solution results before printingPa&ge Setup...Setup print optionsSetup page-related options for printingExit %1&Print...Sorry, but this feature is not supported on your
platform or support for it was not installed.Print solutionPrint current solution resultsCtrl+PConfigure...Customize toolbarsReport about a bug in %1Check for &Updates...Check for %1 updates%1 Task FileTask SaveQDialogButtonBoxCancelNo need to translate this. The translation will be taken from Qt translation files.DiscardNo need to translate this. The translation will be taken from Qt translation files.QtToolBarDialogCustomize ToolbarsActionsToolbarsNewRemoveRenameUp<-->DownCurrent Toolbar Actions< S E P A R A T O R >QtToolBarDialogPrivateCustom ToolbarSettingsDialogPreferencesHelpGet preferences helpGeneralGeneral TSPSG settingsAutomatically resize rows and columns to their contentsAutosize of rows and columnsRemember the last used directory when opening and saving filesRemember last used directoriesUse native File Open and File Save dialogs (uncheck to use Qt's Dialogs)Use native file dialogsTaskTask generation and solving settingsFractional accuracy:Accuracy of the fractional values (in decimal places)In this mode the cost of travel from city 1 to city 2 and vice versa is the sameSymmetric modeTask generationMinimal random:Minimum for random number generationMaximal random:Maximum for random number generationGenerate fractional random values with the Fractional accuracyFractional random valuesOutputSolution output settingsGeneral solution output settingsGenerate graphical representation of the solutionGenerate solution graphDefines width of graph in solution outputSolution graph width:Save solution graph asWhat image format to use for graph when saving solution as HTML cmDon't forget a space at the beginning!Save solution graph inside HTML using data URI scheme (not supported by IE 7 and lower)Embed solution graph into HTMLShow solution steps' matrices for every solution stepShow solution steps' matricesShow or hide solution steps' matrices based on number of cities in the taskOnly when <=Maximum number of cities to show solution steps' matrices citiesDon't forget a space at the beginning!Scroll to the end of solution output after solvingScroll to solution endFont && ColorsNeeds double & or it won't be displayed!Font and colors settings for solution outputFont used for solution text outputFont:Change output text fontFont color for solution text outputDefault text color:Change default text colorText color of the candidate that was selected for branchingSelected candidate text color:Change selected candidate text colorText color of the alternate candidate that wasn't selected for branchingAlternate candidate text color:Change alternate candidate text colorColor of table borders in solution outputTable borders color:Change color of table bordersSave new preferencesClose without saving preferencesHigher quality graph looks much better when printing but uglier on the screenDraw solution graph in higher qualityAutomatically check for updates at the given intervalCheck for updates everyMinimal interval at which to check for updates daysDon't forget a space at the beginning!Make Main Window background translucentUse translucency effectsRestore main window state and position on application restartSave main window state and positionHover mouse pointer over dialog elements to get additional helpSettings ResetDo you really want to <b>reset all application settings to their defaults</b>?All settings where successfully reset to their defaults.
It is recommended to restart the application now.