UTF-8--------AUTHORS %1Please, provide translator credits here. %1 will be replaced with VERSIONVERSIONPlease, provide your translation version here.$Id$COUNTRYPlease, provide an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for this translation language here (eg., UA).GBLANGNAMEPlease, provide a native name of your translation language here.CTSPModelCity %1%1Unexpected end of file.Corrupt data read. File possibly corrupted.Unknown error.Task LoadUnable to load task:Unable to open task file.
Error: %1Unknown file format or file is corrupted.File version is newer than application supports.
Please, try to update application.Unexpected data read.
File is possibly corrupted.Task SaveUnable to create task file.
Error: %1
Maybe, file is read-only?Unable to save task.
Error: %1MainWindowLanguage changeLanguage ChangeUnsaved ChangesAll Supported Formats%1 Task FilesAll FilesPDF FilesHTML FilesOpenDocument FilesYou have changed color settings.
They will be applied to the next solution output.VersionAbout %1%v of %1 parts foundGenerating solution output...Variant #%1 TaskVariant #%1 SolutionGenerating step %v(%1;%2)%n alternate candidate(s) for branching: %1.%n alternate candidate for branching: %1.%n alternate candidates for branching: %1.Generating footerThe price is <b>%n</b> unit(s).The price is <b>%n</b> unit.The price is <b>%n</b> units.Cleaning up...Set application style to %1Would you like to save changes in the current task?Configure...Customize toolbarsCheck for %1 updates%1 Task FileSettings ChangedTask LoadSolution SaveUnable to save the solution.
Error: %1Solution GraphGenerated with %1Unable to save the solution graph.
Error: %1Language will be autodetected on the next %1 start.You have changed the application language.
To get current solution output in the new language
you need to re-run the solution process.Style ChangeTo apply the default style you need to restart %1.Unsupported FeatureSorry, but this feature is not supported on your platform
or support for this feature was not installed.Target OS (ARCH)Qt librarysharedBuild timeRuntimestaticBuid <b>%1</b>, built on <b>%2</b> at <b>%3</b>AlgorithmThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify<br>
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by<br>
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or<br>
(at your option) any later version.<br>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,<br>
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of<br>
GNU General Public License for more details.<br>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License<br>
along with TSPSG. If not, see <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/">www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.This software was created using LGPL version of <b>Qt framework</b>,<br>
see <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a><br>
Most icons used in this software are part of <b>Oxygen Icons</b> project licensed according to the GNU Lesser General Public License,<br>
see <a href="http://www.oxygen-icons.org/">www.oxygen-icons.org</a><br>
Country flag icons used in this software are part of the free <b>Flag Icons</b> collection created by <b>IconDrawer</b>,<br>
see <a href="http://www.icondrawer.com/">www.icondrawer.com</a>AboutLicenseCreditsTranslationData errorError in cell [Row %1; Column %2]: Invalid data format.Calculating optimal route...Solution ProgressSolution ResultUnable to find a solution.
Maybe, this task has no solution.Generating headerSolution of Variant #%1 TaskTask:Step #%1Selected route %1 %2 part.withwithoutOptimal path:Resulting path:City %1The price is <b>%1</b> units.<b>WARNING!!!</b><br>This result is a record, but it may not be optimal.<br>Iterations need to be continued to check whether this result is optimal or get an optimal one.RootUnable to load the translation language.
Falling back to autodetection.Set application language to %1Check for &Updates...Task SaveYou have language autodetection turned on.
It needs to be off.
Do you wish to turn it off?UntitledTask&Variant:Number of variant&Cities:Number of citiesCost of travel from city to cityFill table with random numbersRandomSolve current taskSolveSolutionSolution stepsSave solution to a fileSave SolutionGo back to Task tabBack to Task&File&LanguagePlease, append " / Language" when translating this string.Context &Help&About TSPSG...&Save&SettingsStyleToolbars&HelpMain ToolbarSave solution&NewNew taskCreate new taskCtrl+N&Open...Open taskOpen saved taskCtrl+O&Preferences...Application preferences&ContentsOpen help contentsCtrl+F1Open context helpF1About applicationE&xitExit application&Task...Save taskSave task to fileCtrl+SSystem DefaultAutomatically choose the most appropriate style&AutodetectSave current taskAbout &Qt...About Qt librarySave &As&Print...Ctrl+P&Solution...Detect language automaticallyP&rint Preview...Preview solution resultsPreview current solution results before printingPrint solutionPrint current solution resultsDetect language automatically based on regional settingsQProgressDialogCancelNo need to translate this. This translation will be taken from Qt translation files.QtToolBarDialogCustomize ToolbarsActionsToolbarsNewRemoveRenameUp<-->DownCurrent Toolbar Actions< S E P A R A T O R >QtToolBarDialogPrivateCustom ToolbarSettingsDialogPreferencesTaskTask generation and solving settingsFractional accuracy:Accuracy of the fractional values (in decimal places)In this mode the cost of travel from city 1 to city 2 and vice versa is the sameSymmetric modeMinimal random:Minimum for random number generationMaximal random:Maximum for random number generationGenerate fractional random values with the Fractional accuracyShow graphical representation of the solutionShow solution graphSave solution graph asOutput font settings&Color...Automatically resize rows and columns to their contentsGeneralGeneral TSPSG settingsAutosize of rows and columnsUse native File Open and File Save dialogs (uncheck to use Qt's Dialogs)Task generationOutputSolution output settingsWhat image format to use for graph when saving solution as HTMLShow solution steps' matrices for every solution stepShow solution steps' matricesShow or hide solution steps' matrices based on number of cities in the taskMaximum number of cities to show solution steps' matricesFont face for solution outputFont color for solution outputFractional random valuesScroll to the end of solution output after solvingScroll to solution endUse native file dialogsOnly when <=Only when ≤ citiesDon't forget a space at the beginning!&Font...HelpGet preferences helpSave new preferencesClose without saving preferencesUse translucent effect on the Main Window under Windows Vista and 7Use translucency effectsRestore main window state and position on application restartSave main window state and positionHover mouse pointer over dialog elements to get additional helpSettings ResetDo you really want to <b>reset all application settings to their defaults</b>?All settings where successfully reset to their defaults.
It is recommended to restart the application now.